Liesbeth Bos

"Having become a game designer was the best decision I’ve ever made. I love my job! Getting games published is the crown on my work. I hope you enjoy them. Apart from my profession I love to be outside. I run, walk, skate and bike whenever I can. Luckily we (me, partner and our children) have the best “outside” of the Netherlands, the south. The two funny kids are the best inspiration, for games and life itself. Follow me on Facebook: Liesbeth Bos Game ... read more

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About Liesbeth Bos

"Having become a game designer was the best decision I’ve ever made. I love my job! Getting games published is the crown on my work. I hope you enjoy them. Apart from my profession I love to be outside. I run, walk, skate and bike whenever I can. Luckily we (me, partner and our children) have the best “outside” of the Netherlands, the south. The two funny kids are the best inspiration, for games and life itself. Follow me on Facebook: Liesbeth Bos Game Designer."""""

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