International Sales for Board Games

We are a globally operating publisher with an experienced parent company in Germany and strong subsidiaries in the USA and the UK. We have a trusted network of independent partners around the world and part of our strategy is the expansion of our international distribution network with future-oriented, established partners.
We have a broad range of strong brands and individual titles in different categories - Family Games, Games for Two players, Children's Games, Bring Along Games, Card Games. Therefore, we are able to offer you a large number of products available for licensing and for co-editions.
Please don't hesitate to browse through our website, download our catalogues, or ask for any sample copies that are of interest to you. The KOSMOS International Sales Managers will always be pleased to provide you with any information that you need and to keep you updated about new products.
If you are interested in any products of our portfolio, please contact our international sales manager. Our sales team is always at your disposal for further questions on our products.