International Sales for STEM
Experiment Kits & Toys

We are a globally operating publisher with an experienced parent company in Germany and strong subsidiaries in the USA and the UK. We have a trusted network of independent partners around the world and part of our strategy is the expansion of our international distribution network with future-oriented, established partners.

We have a broad range of strong brands and individual titles in different categories. Therefore, we are able to offer you a large number of products available for licensing and for co-editions.


Physics & Electrical Science

Alternative Energy


School & Preschool


Triops & Dinosaurs

Botany & Greenhouse


Your contact person is:

Science Kits - International Sales Director

Freya Looft
Tel.: +49 (0)711 21 91 - 254

Der Versand unserer Bücher ist kostenlos. Gratis Versand aller Artikel ab 20€*
*innerhalb Deutschlands. Nach Österreich versenden wir ab 100€ Bestellwert kostenlos. In die Schweiz kostet der Versand 12€.

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